
I am an ethnographic researcher, systems thinker, and maker. I translate complexity into empathy, emotional intelligence to businesses. Bringing the training and experience of design and the corporate world to empower sustainability at a human scale. My style is to take nothing for granted, respectfully challenge assumptions, dig deep into hard questions, and communicate on human terms in all senses. Then I make things happen.

I appreciate the puzzles of language, and the joy of good design. The beauty in the simultaneous simplicity and complexity of agriculture, and the magnificence of wilderness. I strive for lighthearted grace, compassionate curiosity, and boldness of craft.

Qualitative exploration | Sustainable agriculture | Facilitation | Design thinking | Spatial experience design | Small business | Project management | Writing & Editing | Research design | Social innovation | Cheese making & dairy fermentation | Dance | Ski touring | Bicycles | Strong winds | Redefining the rules

Current home: Helsingør, Denmark

Other homes: Torino, Italy | Vancouver, BC | Chicago, IL | Istanbul, Turkey | Paris, France | Charlotte, NC

Contact me at annie.lambla [at] gmail.com